Time for the Caveman to be sick

My last radiation appointment was tuesday at 10AM

Tuesday night the Caveman’s molar – the one he had scheduled for an implant for before I got sick but never finished up- started causing him pain.

His dentist told him to take pain meds – which made him sick so, I had a a sick caveman throwing up all night and finally getting to bed around 4AM. 

In a little girl romantic way, I kinda like that he waited for me to “be ok” before he got sick.

He’s my caveman and he takes good care of me.

In a “I gotta take care of me to take care of you kinda way, I made sure he had meds, got him a cool washcloth for the bathroom, and did all I could before I went to bed at 9:30.

The next day he saw the dentist and came home smiling. 

We are both mid century moderns. We have good bones, strong, classic lines, and require little maintenance.

He knows how to take care of him and I know how to take care of me but we also lean across the aisle when we can be of assistance. That’s the love part.

Last day of radiation

My sister took me to lunch to celebrate my last day of radiation and we were remembering the day I went into the hospital and how very out of touch I was.

My man knew I was really sick. He knew that my balance was off and that I wasn’t making sense. He knew I was sleeping most of the day. He even asked me if I was drinking.

I have a strong and controling personaltity that I call a “know it all” personality. It gives the illusion of order or the illusion that I can control the situation or life.

I told him I was fine, it was just the flu and I’d feel better in a day or two – which stretched into a week or two.

It is all an illusion.

My “not wanting to be sick” did not make that true. And it may have confused or extended my own suffering.

My sister remembers watching me drag my left foot and the angle was so strange she knew that I didn’t have any feeling in the foot.

As they took me into the ER, they put me into a wheelchair, and I didn’t realize that my left foot was stuck under the chair. I couldn’t feel it at all.

Today, just 2 months later – and truly within days of the surgery –  I am up and walking. My balance is great, I have been running, I walk the dog eve ry day. I ride my bike, I am mobile and stable.

The tumor is removed and the remnants are disappearing.

This week I am being weaned off of a steroid that shrinks the tumor, makes me puffy and bloated but also gives me energy.

I have had a few headaches and am taking naps in the afternoon and my balance is a little bit less stable but all in all, it’s been a smooth transition with minimal  side effects.

I am grateful for my life today; my man, my friends, my dream team of doctors that are healing me, my dog, my home, my life makes me smile every day but I had to let it be what it was and not try to control it.

When I get out of the way it gives god enough room to work her miracles and she has been working overtime in my life.

It’s a whole new life and the future has never been so bright.

Accepting the process – or, I seem to learn best when I am not on top of my game but, on my knees

I am excited to be down to my last 6 days of radiation Then I think I get 28 days off.of both the chemo and radiation and then another 8-9 months of chemo – at twice the dosage. Then they’ll do a couple mri’s and call me tumor free! and maybe tell me it’s ok to drive again. It looks like that time-frame is March of next year – over a year after my surgery – wow!
My hair should start to regrow once the radiation stops so iin s couple months the bald head should have some peach fuzz that will slowly fill in over the straggly, mangy stuff I have up there now.  -the hospital offered me wigs and stuff but for now the Caveman just reminds me to put my hat on when we drive by schools- wouldn’t want to permanently damage any school children:-)
The radiation causes inflammation and to reduce the swelling I am on one steroid. . The other steroid is an anti seizure medication given after brain surgery – not because I have had any seizures but because brain surgery raises the risk of seizures.
I’ve tolerated the meds pretty well, the tumor is shrinking, my symptoms are minimal at best and I am gaining a couple pounds a week. My energy has been really good but being tethered to the house doesn’t give me much feel for how I would be in the outside world. 
I know that I get overwhelmed very easily. Costco is a huge distraction and if I don’t hold on to Mike I get lost easily. I have worked with a low music in the background before but now I need just silence. 
My favorite time of day is 3-5AM, when it’s quiet out and no one is calling and I can focus on one thing. 
My mantra is “do one thing well” because I will easily get distracted and disappear down the rabbit hole instead of staying on task to completion. 
For now, I don’t have a lot of projects on the table but, now is also the time I am taking to write more down and have a process in place for each project. 
The weight thing is a concern for me – gaining…but apparently, at some point, food will taste weird and I’ll stop eating but so far, that is not my issue. 
The other day the Caveman was watching me as t I typed along at record speed and smiled as he said “she’s back”. [but he also said the same thing as he took pictures of a burnt batch of cookies] 
When I first got out of the hospital I could barely type. My  left side was affected by the tumor swelling and putting pressure on the left brain which also meant my left hand could barely type at all and it was with great effort so it’s cute that he notices all those little things all the while I get more annoyed with the details of life – and to me it’s all details. 
Typing also means that I can do more online – which should be helpful with me not being able to get around too much. 
March just seems so far away and I wonder how I am going to make a living but all I can do today is just to trust that this is my path and as I walk the path more will become visible.  Otherwise, I just want to jump off the path and run far far away. 
This week I went to speech therapy – where I did adding and subtracting and counting out change and reading maps exercises that seemed to take much longer than they “should” 
My physical rehab girl has me doing balancing exercises all the while raising the intensity with folding my arms over my chest or closing my eyes. She has me stretching and using my inner ear for balance versus my eyes and sent me off with homework.  
It’s a very strange thing to know that I used to be able to count change in my head but now the answer comes up blank. 
For the last 5 years I’ve done nothing but complain and now all I want is to have that life back – kinda.  But, I think this little blip has changed my trajectory. I don’t think I could ever hit the same level as I did before. This little growth spurt has changed it all. This week I see more rehab folks, and the surgeon – who may take me off of one of the steroid meds – and the speech and occupational therapy gals. 
I don’t know how people can be on so many meds. It’s practically a full time job just keeping track of what is taken with food, or not eating after taking it, or the time I take certain drugs and keeping everything filled and ready to go and which side  effects to watch for. 
It makes me more tired than the freakin chemo!
So, the goal this week is to get rid of some meds and the nasty kankles that have appeared, to ride my bike more, to complain less and to find a way to make six figures in my jammies at my desk – or is that 6 figures thing the old type A girl that no longer exists…
I don’t know, I am just grateful for my perfect health and for my perfectly nutty life. 
PS Up late and rambling because one of the steroids keeps me up:-)
Love to you

Open Arms

This morning, lying on the radiation table, my head clamped inside the white plastic mesh mask that they use to keep me still, Journey started playing through the intercom system:

I come to you, with open arms 

Nothing to hide, believe what I say 
So here I am with open arms 
Hoping you’ll see what your love means to me 
Open arms 

On the way to my appointment, biking in the warm summer weather, enjoying the birds tweeting and a cool breeze, I had a little conversation with god. 

Now my god is not some assyrian 20 something with surfer dude hair. My god is a girl. 

She’s a cartoony, kinda chunky, pirate-y gal with a great twinkly laugh and a strong presence – she’s not menacing but you just know you can’t take her down. 

So, I was getting pissed at her this morning on the ride over. 

“What is this about? haven’t I done enough? I thought that, since the whole mom-murdered at 13 thing that I should be exempt from any further struggles. Ok – maybe that’s a along time to not grow or learn anything but, I was kinda trying to control god with that. 

So, when the music came on, I got kinda teary. 


Open Arms. 

Is that how I live my life?


Arms crossed and defiant? definitely. 

Rebelliously and with attitude? Of Course!

So, why am I fighting life?

Does it make me feel important? Like I am more worthy if there is struggle?

And why wouldn’t I be worthy of being alive? I had this poster on the wall when I was a teenager and I like “You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here” from -Desiderata

There is this random quote about Mother Teresa and how she would not use the “fight” energy because that just makes more “fight energy” [ ok – nothing like what she said but, the Rebie condensed version]

If my fight gets me more fight – is that really what I want?

What if love gets me more love? Or contentment gets me more contentment, or generosity gets me more generosity, or joy gets me more joy? 


In the rooms of 12 step they say you’ve got to give it away to keep it.

So, what do I want to give away today?

Damsel Drama or Awakening Your Man

At dinner last night I told the Caveman that he was the biggest gift that I got out of having a brain tumor.  [sounds kinda weird when I say it out loud but, he got it] and he held his bent elbow out for me, I grabbed onto his left bicep  and we went inside.

Today that got me thinking.

We had been together a couple years before went to the hospital. He was already my man. He took care of me and pushed me up into his truck to get me in and held doors and rolled his eyes and sighed when I went to hug and kiss him; all the while loving the attention, but the level of our intimacy just exploded when he went home to an empty house and realized what that was like. Or when I was super vulnerable in the hospital, being shown pictures of crazy stuff growing in my brain and the idea of a huge brain surgery, and having him by my side through the whole thing. My rock, my love, my man.

In the hospital I learned that, in our relationship, my vulnerability is my strength.

I was only in the hospital for 5 days but, every time I woke up my man was in the room, sleeping, watching me, fielding questions from the doctors and generally watching over me.

I have never had that kind of presence from the caveman, or any man.

The media wants us to think that spending a paycheck on some fossilized carbon “proves” that you love someone but all a girl really wants is for her man to “show up” for her. There was a study done about what kind of movie a man should take a woman to for a first date and it wasn’t a “chick flick”. It was a kinda scary thriller/action movie – one where the woman could be scared and hold onto her big strong man for support.  That’s the whole male/female bonding attraction thing!

Now, the last thing I want for you is to develop some rare cancer just so you can see if your man is really your man. But it also got me thinking about how screwed up we are as a society; domestic abuse – and how that is really just a play for power. We are cranking out warrior women these days. We can do it all, have it all, be it all, women on the combat line, women in corporate leadership …except that we can’t be a women, we can’t be soft, we can’t even wear pink!

Women don’t cry these days, women aren’t vulnerable, women won’t LET their man be their man.

We’ve sterilized our men, given their castrated balls to the women and then complain about the subservient butler we’ve created.

I just had a conversation with a girlfriend about how she loves her man but doesn’t want to let go of her paycheck and let her man take care of her. BUT THAT’S THE WAY HE HAS TO SHOW YOU THAT HE LOVES YOU

and the way you can show him that he’s your man is to be vulnerable for him.

Scary stuff, especially for those old un-healed wounds.

There is no woolly mammoth that he can save you from – besides, he’s a corporate guy and the most masculine thing he does each day is yell at his supply chain vendor.

We’ve sterilized our men and given their castrated balls to the woman.

I know that I used to find the illusion of safety in being able to control things.  Control was the only tool I had to try to create some order in my life but I didn’t really want to manipulate and control someone, what I really wanted was to be loved.

Thinking that was unatainable, I put a bandaid of control over the “wanting to be loved” wound and pretended that was enough.

Today I have a love that I could never have imaged and I don’t even pretend to control that crazy man.  I just get a big goofy smile on my face when he walks through the door, take his big embrace and, fetch him some ice tea as he heads to his chair and leave him in front of the stupid crap he watches on TV.

So, my question for you today, my warrior woman, is without creating drama or problems just for him to solve, what walls are you ready to drop today to be vulnerable with your man today?

Steroid face or how many chins in a Chinese phone book

I have always been the pretty girl. healthy, happy, no meds, no doctors.

My doctor visits are limited to yearly checkups and bike crashes or other acdidents – cause I am out living it.

When I look in the mirror now I see myself at 99 – bald, chunky, bloated, and I don’t like it!

someone at the hospital said I have ‘ ‘steroid face’ so I went online to see what athletes look like “before and after” and I have to say, it’s hard to decide whether it’s ‘fat’ or steroids – although their checkbones are lost in the chunkies just like mine.



Ok, it’s not really this bad – I kinda cheated 🙂

And I am wearing a marathon t-shirt.

Really have only gained about 10 lbs but feel like the stay puft marshmallow man. There seems to be extra “padding on my face, legs, etc.

The good news is I am riding my bike – YAY! and running, and feeling great in general.

I get another doctor check in on Monday and my questions are 1) when can I drive? 2) how soon can I get off all this medication!

Some people love all the “attention” of being sick – but I hate it. Leave me  alone, I got better things to do than filling my days with doctor appts. Just like I don’t get the whole reality tv thing – why should I watch someone else living life when I could be out living my own! And besides, I limit my interaction with nasty, narcissistic people, why would I want to watch them on TV?


No longer working hard to impress people that I don’t even like

The house that used to be “not good enough, is now the perfect space for me, the devil dog and the caveman.

It’s not big – just over 1,000 feet. It’s a 2 bed 1 bath place with a 2 car garage and a little back yard.  The kitchen is tile and the window over the sink looks out into the back yard.  We are set back from the street and have great neighbors that love the devil dog and bring over their kitchen scraps that may have gone bad next week when they are out of town.  There aren’t lexus’ in the driveway but there is a school where the kids run up excitedly when we walk the devil dog. Last night she had a great time playing with 7 month old miniature labradoodle, Abbey, who was so excited to chase Shadow even though she is a bit of a ball hog.

My DUI Checkpoint

In the hospital, they had me in the neuro wing and the nurses had me on a schedule for a periodic “neuro check”.  They did this in order to keep track of my progress and to make sure I wasn’t backsliding.

The funny thing is that it’s also what they do at a sobriety checkpoint – or at least part of it is.

The nurses did this every time so, I should be pretty good if a cop every pulls me over for weaving.

In bed check:

  • smile – they look for symmetry
  • raise your eyebrows – symmetry
  • stick your tongue out
  • arms out to the side and touch your nose – I was really bad at this one
  • with your hands out to the side, close your eyes – I drifted to the weak/affected side on this one,

I did have a moment of confusion in downtown Campbell where I thought I had symptoms of a stroke – so, I looked in the mirror to see if one side of my face was drooping – Like I am the best doctor in the world 🙂

My Caveman reminded me of how bad a doctor I am and that even doctors aren’t supposed to diagnose their family or themselves – there is just too much emotion for family or self.

So, all that to give you a few tools for neurology and brain function but to also remind you that if you think you are having a stroke, brain tumor,  or other neurological episode – CALL 911!

Your life is just too important to mess around with.


The rules of magic


I am sitting in the backyard. Green tea by my side, little dog exploring the landscape.

I slept hard last night and the world is mostly still. I can hear the low rushing of the freeway in the distance and an occasional twitter or tweet of this birds in the trees around me.
I love this time of day when possibility is boundless and magic is gathering steam.

Despite the fact that the yard doesn’t have an outdoor kitchen, stainless appliances or even grass, there have been many fun memories made in this yard. Birthdays and pirate parties and barbecues.
I used to think that it had to look a certain way or be perfect for the magic to happen. Luckily magic and miracles don’t have the same rules that I do.

The Myth of Multitasking

About 10 years ago, when downsizing was all the rage and employees were viewed as excess overhead, corporate hierarchies were flattened and workloads were held steady with the “theory” that technology and multitasking made the same tasks more easily done than in the past.

Unfortunately, for the corporate model, multitasking turns out to be doing lots of things poorly vs doing one thing well.

According to this study by Stanford, the multitaskers were more easily distracted and unable to filter meaningful information vs mindless distractions from the task.

Which is how I feel after this brain thing.

It is harder to filter out the mindless chatter and it seems like there is more mindless chatter than ever before.  I have trouble listening to your constatnt dribble about changing your kids diapers as I try to count out change at the cash register at Costco. The Caveman’s trashiest trash TV blaring in the background makes it hard for me to concentrate and if he wants to talk to me through the level 18 volume, it just pisses me off.

So, when I find myself getting overwhelmed I just have to step back. Do one thing. Do the one thing well, then do the next one thing.

I think I can hear my god laughing. It’s a light lyrical twinkling sound. It kinda sounds like magic