Beating the odds

This weekend we were talking about how we ‘ve already beaten the survival statistics for cancer and for life in general
But then we are not one to hear ‘fatal’ and believe it. Isn’t life fatal anyway?

So a ‘ new’ fatal term doesn’t change the way we laugh and love and are grateful for each moment of each day ilife:t’s a blessing that is eeked out and enjoyed one day at a time

Toxic work environment

Deepak chopra has been talking about the mind body connection for years but the first time I saw evidence of this is when I saw a statistic about heart attacks and that an overwhelming majority of them occurred on Monday morning. So why are we working so hard to kill ourselves?

Recovering snobaholic

My workaholic, striving, proving self would not have been able to see the big smile and all heart Caveman that has been the sunshine and anchor in the storm that has been my life. he was unemployed and living with his dad at 47 years old and I just couldn’tve set my sights so low.
I remember one time online dating and the guy asked me to go pick him up cause his car was in the shop.

I deleted his contact info (but in a warm and non-judgement way – not!
life had to knock me off my ego pedestal to be able to see people from my heart

Living is a verb

I worked so hard to make the picture look good. And it did in that moment and then the moment moved on
How are you living in this moment? Have you built a life worth living? When you review your agenda does your heart smile?


Living is easy and fun, just like me :-)

I thought I’d never be happy after Rebel died l: he taught me so much about love and god and acceptance, feeling safe and being in the moment. Today Shadow continues his teachings. living iis easy and fun.listening to the neighbors tap class with the sun rising and a cup of tea and my happy shadow dog feels like peace and contentment


5th and final day of Chemo Triple Threat

This glio stuff has “roots” that grow through my head. So, it’s not just a golfball sized tumor that can be pulled out in one go, like  a cyst.

To get all the roots, I am now on the  triple the chemo x 5 days in a row, once a month x6 months program.

Today was day 5 of month 3 -I think.I whine and pout and don’t want to take the  6 pills of poison that are somehow are removing the tumor from my brain.

One more month down and closer to freedom.


God’s wish for me is to go Commando

Have you ever put on your favorite cute pink polka dotted thong underwear. Worn them around just long enough to forget about them only to then start getting stabbing pains reminiscent of a urinary tract infection? After a quick “emergency inspection” my suspicions were  confirmed: My pink panties were on backward… again.

For some reason my new brain can’t figure out how to put on underwear. That twisty pull-the hooks-around-to the front to clip  action that used to be second nature now ends with the bra cups pointing out or, like this morning, the razor back bra ends up twisted around my upper arms leaving me looking like a botched kidnapping attempt.

I guess one solution would be to switch to gigantic grandma undies but my ego just can’t handle that so I am siding with my hero Brooke Shields’ iconic 80’s commercial “nothing comes between me and my Calvins” sentiment. At least for the summer…


In the morning I like to state that I am healthy. Not in a defiant kind of F-off kind of energy but in a I am solid and here and feel well kind of energy.

When I said it this morning there had been a shift. The shift is more of an emotional healthy versus a physically healthy place.  A place where I am ok with  my life and not fighting my life.

I have a strong rebellious nature within me as well as a strong judge nature in me.

The rebel thinks that she knows all and knows life better than the divine does. The rebel thinks that life “ought” to be better than it is. The rebel has a lot of fight and spends a lot of energy “proving” , and the judge, although very similar, holds me to a “higher” standard than she holds the world. There is only one truth and one absolute.  Right and wrong. Good and Bad.

Other people may think that drinking coffee is ok but I know that I should not.

The rebel knows that there are many truths and chooses the one she most resonates with.

In fact, the rebel loves to look at the different options, truths, views and explores them in order to better understand her own viewpoint.



Mostly the judge keeps a distance between me and someone else


This morning I woke up tired. My man was already gone and the overcast fog of morning seemed more like gloom than sunrise.

I layed back in the bed and dozed for a few minutes.

When I summoned the energy to rise I noticed the sway in my steps as I headed down the hall to the kitchen. Waiting for the kettle to chirp, I held on to the stove or leaned against the counter.

I wonder how weary other folks have been with this brain tumor thing.

After depositing two ito en green tea bags into my favorite tea mug [really big one] I hug the cup and step out the sliding door to my picnic table.

Wanting an little more comfort, I settle into my wicker patio furniture and settle into my cup of hot green tea and the stillness of morning.

There is a calm presence in the stillness.

It has energy that I do not. It has hope that I do not.

It has knowing that I do not.

I like that my yard is open and yet secluded.

The little dog drops a ball into my hands and we play the game for a little while.

A neighbor opens and closes a window and little dog looks around.

A white 3 petal flower falls from the bushes.

My energy is brightening.

Thy Will Be Done

This week has been difficult for me.

Difficult because this week I have finally begun to “feel” sick”.

This week I finished the “radiation” part of my treatment and closing that door also means it’s time to take me off of the steroids that have been shrinking the swelling in my brain

I am still taking the steroids but I am taking half the dosage.

This week the headaches have started to creep back in. My balance is off. I feel the movement in my legs, my calves are sore from keeping me upright.

This week I am tired. The steroids give me energy and now that I am getting half of the “energy” I am taking naps in the afternoon. A couple hours of deep sleep in the afternoon that knocks me out.

The headaches have been mild, 2-3s but this morning I woke up with a 3-4 and I had to admit it.

Before I could say ” I don’t feel sick” but today, I admit it. I am off balance, I am dropping things and I have a headache.  And I don’t like it. I want to be healthy. I am healthy. and I am not feeling well.

Today I found myself bargaining with god. Asking for the tumor to be gone. Wanting something other than the life that I have instead of being grateful for the life that I have.

I read somewhere that the word disease means “from the stars”. As if the struggle is divine intervention, that within the struggle is the silver lining. So, today, I am not looking for the silver lining, I am looking for the struggle to be lifted and my way of thinking says ” if the tumor is gone then I’ll be happy.

I am coming to life with my wishlist and waiting for the “perfect life” to be delivered.

It means I am judging my life  and deeming “god’s life for me” as inferior to the life I think I should have. My life doesn’t fit the perfect little picture that I have in my head when god has shown, over and over, that letting go and letting god take the reins of my life will prove to be a life worth living and that my superficial ego driven life is one dimensional and the things that I have on my striving wish list have never been the things that make me truly happy. I just think they will.

And besides, when I am working so hard to achieve that next “thing” then I don’t have to feel the emptyness of having everything I need to be happy but choosing to notice the things that I think are “missing”.

This morning, as I was putting my bike in the garage, I looked at my neglected car. The car that hasn’t been driven for two and a half months. The car that I could throw a picnic lunch into into and drive out to Lexington Dam with the roof open and the stereo loud. The car that lets me do what I want to do when I want to do it.

And I don’t like it.

I don’t like the thought that my driving days are behind me.

I don’t like the thought that this tumor is my new constant companion but I mostly don’t like the thought that I am not in control of ANY of this.

So today, instead of focusing on the things that are “not right” in my life, I am choosing to allow god to work her magic.

Today I choose to pray ‘ thy will be done”  – because it will be anyway and my fighting for my way only increases my own suffering.

Thy will be done means that I surrender my will. I submit. I let go, I allow god to be god and admit that I am but a human being doing the best I can and that god knows her plans to prosper me even when I don’t.


I hate it.